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Drying equipment customer selection feedback form

Would you please fill in according to form, so that our company provide careful selection is recommended
The name of the company:
Customer name :
The company address :
position :
Zip code :
Telephone or mobile phone:
The url :
fax :
Contact time:

1. The name of the material:   Molecular formula :   PH值:

2.The shape of the dry material : Micro powder powder particles The massive flake paste
paste paste paste solution fibrous emulsion suspension

3. Other characteristics of the material : flammability Explosion hazard Reunion sex The smell   other :

4.The name of the evaporate medium : Molecular formula : PH值:
 Evaporate the boiling point of the medium: ℃ ;Whether you need to recycle : yes 、NO

5. The initial moisture content of materials : % ;The containing water of crystallization :
 Required moisture content after drying : % ;Residual water of crystallization :

6. Material initial temperature : ℃ ;Requirements after drying temperature : ℃。Whether to adopt cooling material : yes 、no

7.The highest temperature material dry can afford: ℃;Material dry best temperature range:

8.The softening temperature of the material : ℃;The melting point of materials :

9.The specific heat of material : KJ/kg. ℃;The coefficient of thermal conductivity of materials : KJ/m2.h. ℃

10.True density of material : kg/m3Packing density of the material : kg/m3

11.Particle size distribution : mm(Orders)to mm(Orders);Percentage content ≥ %   
  Among them :The largest size mm(Orders);Percentage content ≥ %
  The largest size : mm(Orders);Percentage content ≥ %

12.Demands dry after finished product granularity : mm(Orders)

13.The viscosity of the raw material condition : cp(cp);Whether the heating mouth lower viscosity no type=radio name=a132>

14.Dry material can form :  can Can not be

15.干燥后产品产量: kg/h (或湿物料处理量: kg/h)

16.Drying methods require: For drying 、 Clearance is dry 、 The dynamic drying 、 Static dry 、 
   Hot air drying 、 Vacuum drying 、 Microwave drying 、other :

17.The material in the past drying method or similar products of drying method :
  Hope the drying machine:

18.Ventilation requirements: Natural tour , The class of 300000 filter , The class of 100000 filter, The class of 10000 filter , other :

19.The user material requirements for drying equipment : Stainless steel material contact 、 All stainless steel 、 titanium 、
   Aluminum alloy 、 Carbon steel 、 Glass lining 、 Four fluorine 、 other :

20.Stainless steel models : SUS304 , SUS321 , SUS316 , SUS316L, SUS2235 ,

21.The requirement of recovery:≥ %;Dust environmental emissions requirements:≤ mg/nm3 ;
  Dust emission environmental protection requirements :≤ mg/nm3;The maximum permissible wastewater and waste liquid emission requirements≤ mg/L

22.Used in the process of dry heat medium and heat source : 热水 ℃ ; steam Mpa; Heat conduction oil ℃; 
  Electric heating 、Coal-fired hot blast stove 、Fuel stove 、The gas stove 、other :

23.Thermal medium and heat source : Bring your own 、Another purchase 、Matching purchase 、other:

24.For equipment cleaning and hygiene requirements :

25.Equipment used to: 、At an altitude of : 、humidity : 、The highest temperature:
   The lowest temperature : 、Average annual temperature: 、other :

26.To choose and buy equipment investment budget (The yuan ): 万元

27.Other requirements:




Equipment selection

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